Every day is an open day! We currently have spaces in Reception, Year 3 and Year 4. Contact us now for a tour. 01983 292885.



At Holy Cross, our intent in teaching English is to foster a love of reading, writing, and communication in all our pupils, promoting lifelong learning and critical thinking. We aim to equip our pupils with the skills necessary to articulate their thoughts, feelings, and ideas effectively, both orally and in written form. Our curriculum is designed around the following key principles:

  • We recognise that reading is a fundamental building block for effective communication and academic success across all subjects. We aim to cultivate a reading culture that encourages a passion for books, and fluency, comprehension, and critical engagement with texts.

  • We use a diverse range of rich texts to inspire and inform our writing curriculum. We provide authentic contexts in which our pupils can write, fostering engagement and creativity.

  • Our teaching of English reflects our core school values, promoting kindness in peer interactions, building confidence through presentations and discussions, and striving for excellence in all aspects of literacy.

  • We aim to expose our pupils to a diverse range of texts, including classic literature, contemporary works, and multicultural authors, fostering an appreciation of different cultures and perspectives.

  • Through engaging discussions and thoughtful texts, we aim to encourage our pupils to think critically and evaluate different viewpoints, promoting skills vital for their future.


To realise our intent, we have structured our English curriculum around a coherent and progressive sequence of lessons that encompass reading, writing, and speaking and listening skills. Our approach is grounded in high-quality teaching practices and supported by the following components:

  • We follow the National Curriculum, ensuring coverage of all aspects of English. Our schemes of work are detailed, outlining clear learning objectives, success criteria, and outcomes. assessments. 

  • We implement a carefully curated reading programme that includes a wide range of genres and authors. Several weekly reading sessions incorporate whole-class reading, guided reading, and independent reading, ensuring that all of our pupils have opportunities to engage with texts at their level. Each class also enjoys daily Storytime, in which reading for pleasure is modelled.

  • Writing is taught through a three-phase approach. The 'immerse, stimulate and generate' phase allows our pupils to dive into the text and explore and develop key vocabulary and sequencing skills. 'Capture, sift and sort' focuses on the grammatical features of the text driver and their effect on the reader. The final phase, 'create, refine and evaluate', encourages our pupils to use their newly acquired skills to write for a variety of purposes and audiences, with a strong emphasis on creativity, driven by the rich texts they have explored.

  • Our teachers employ a range of engaging teaching strategies, including collaborative learning, storytelling, role-playing, and the use of technology to enhance learning experiences. Teachers are encouraged to provide constructive feedback that helps our pupils reflect on and improve their work.

  • Regular formative assessments inform planning, allowing teachers to identify areas for improvement and tailor support to meet individual needs. Summative assessments are strategically used to measure progress at key points throughout the year.


The effectiveness of our English curriculum is evidenced by the positive outcomes observed in our pupils. We measure impact through a range of indicators:

  • A high percentage of our pupils meet or exceed age-related expectations in reading, with steady improvements shown in writing.

  • Our pupils demonstrate a noticeable enthusiasm for reading and writing. Pupil voice indicates high levels of enjoyment for English, and a love of the rich texts we provide.

  • Our pupils articulate their ideas clearly and confidently in discussions, displaying the ability to critique texts and express opinions thoughtfully.

  • We promote a culture of reading beyond the classroom, with initiatives such as author visits and participation in local and national literary events. This connection to the broader community enhances cultural capital and fosters a sense of belonging.

“I believe that writing is derivative. I think good writing comes from good reading.”

Charles Kuralt