At Holy Cross Catholic Primary School, we believe that if our pupils are to achieve their full potential within the Science curriculum, we must stimulate their curiosity through a range of engaging learning experiences; exploring both the theoretical and practical areas of science. We believe that through engagement with stimulating learning experiences, our pupils will become confident, independent and resilient with a social conscience for their journey through life. As a Catholic school, we are committed to developing pupils’ awareness and appreciation of the wonders of God’s creation. We aim to equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to explore the natural world, think critically, and solve real-world problems. Our curriculum, aligned with the Plan Bee scheme of work, has the following aims:
We strive to ensure that our pupils develop a strong vocabulary and understanding of scientific concepts, processes, and applications.
Our goal is to foster a sense of wonder about the world around them. We encourage our pupils to ask questions, conduct investigations, and work collaboratively to find answers, thus nurturing their natural curiosity and enhancing their problem-solving skills.
We seek to make science relevant and engaging by linking topics to everyday life and future careers. This awareness will empower our pupils to understand the role science plays in society and the environment.
Our science curriculum is implemented with a whole-school approach that ensures consistency and coherence across all year groups, following the Plan Bee scheme of work. Key aspects of our implementation:
The Plan Bee scheme provides a well-structured curriculum that builds on prior knowledge and skills, ensuring that our pupils make meaningful connections as they progress. Where relevant, we integrate cross-curricular links.
Our teachers employ a variety of pedagogical approaches, including hands-on experiments, fieldwork, and use of digital resources provided by Plan Bee, to cater to different learning styles. We emphasise collaborative learning, where our pupils work in groups to enhance their understanding through discussion and peer feedback.
Assessment for learning practices are embedded throughout the teaching process, to gauge understanding and inform future planning. End of unit assessments, aligned with Plan Bee, ensure that our pupils are making good progress against age-related expectations. We also use self and peer-assessment strategies to encourage reflection and ownership of learning.
Continuous professional development is a priority for our teaching staff, ensuring they remain up-to-date with the latest scientific discoveries and pedagogical practices. Regular knowledge-sharing meetings are undertaken to enhance teaching.
The impact of our science curriculum is evident in the attitudes and achievements of our pupils. Key indicators of impact include:
Our pupils demonstrate an interest in scientific learning, evidenced by their enthusiasm and participation during lessons. Pupil voice reveals a growing understanding and appreciation for the importance of science in their everyday lives.
Our pupils consistently achieve age-related expectations in science. Our assessment data showcases secure progress and attainment across all key stages.
Our pupils are strengthening their application of scientific skills such as enquiry, investigation, and critical thinking. They can articulate their understanding and reasoning, both orally and in writing.